We are shocked and deeply sadden by the sudden death of our dear friend and colleague Dr. Ning Yin. Ning has died on Tuesday (February 21, 2017) afternoon, while snorkeling with his lab-mates and friends in Eilat during the Ilanit conference. We are still barely starting to grasp this great loss which have left a deep void and great sour in our hearts. Ning was an amazing scientist, highly curious and original, unique in his limitless breadth of knowledge, depth of thinking, creativity and unmatched ability to generate creative bold ideas by combining approaches from remote scientific disciplines ranging from biology and chemistry to computer science and mathematics.
Beyond science, Ning will be remembered for his gentle most modest personality, genuine care and love of others and his sharp observations and subtle humorous insights of the world around us.
Beloved Ning, we miss you so very much and will carry your memory with us forever.